
Showing posts from May, 2021

Centauric Education - Friedrich Georg Jünger

That the life of the centaurs should be a school for heroes, that they should be trained away from the human home, beneath the open sky, in the caves of the wild mountains, seems strange at first, when one considers the overall image of the centaur. There is a raw and wild side to it, corresponding to the life of primitive hunters. They do not possess the gentle powers of Hestia and Demeter, they do not shepherd nor cultivate fields. They are naked, rough, impulsive, have their own weapons and lead a wandering life as free hunters who follow their prey and need plenty of territory. The bull hunters of Thessaloniki, centaurs in human form, recede into the background, giving way to the hippocentaurs. It is out of the abundance of raw animal nature that the human form grows and rises as an attachment that cannot free itself from the heavy and powerful animal body and remains attached to it. Pindar tells us that Ixion gave birth to Hippocentaurus by means of a cloud, but Ixion has a rocky